Retrieve diagnostic information when problems with the USB dongle

When starting design2treat, the program checks whether the USB dongle is plugged into the computer.
If a USB dongle is not found, although a dongle is plugged in, this can have various causes.
In the FAQ page for dongle error messages you will find a list of the most common messages:

FAQ page with dongle error messages

To retrieve the diagnostic information for the USB dongle, the following steps are necessary:

1. Install or update the dongle driver

To read the diagnostic information of the design2treat dongle, an installed, current dongle driver is necessary.
The dongle driver (version 7.55 from 05/2017) can be found on the design2treat CD, or download the current dongle driver from the manufacturer's website and install it:

On the download page, the search can be restricted using the following search settings:

User Category:
End User
Operating System:

Required: Sentinel HASP LDK Windows GUI Run-time Installer

2. Display the dongle type and firmware version of the design2treat dongle

If the dongle driver is installed and the design2treat dongle is connected to the computer, the dongle type and firmware version can be displayed in any browser using the following link:


For example 1, click on how a dongle is displayed in the Admin Control Center
For example 2, click on how a dongle is displayed in the Admin Control Center
For example 3, click on how a dongle is displayed in the Admin Control Center

If the Admin Control Center reports "Sentinel Key version not supported" as in example 3, a firmware update of the USB dongle is required.
The firmware updates can take place in two ways:

first Go to the Gemalto Sentinel Admin Control Center via http://localhost:1947/_int_/checkin.html and select "Update / Attach"
The V2C file required for the update can be found on the design2treat CD in the folder "Dongle_Firmware-Update". After selecting the V2C file, click "Apply File" to start the firmware update. As long as the USB dongle flashes, the firmware update is not yet completed. Please be sure to wait until the Admin Control Center displays the "Your update was applied Sucessfully" message before you remove the USB dongle from the computer or close / exit the browser window.


2. To run the firmware update on the design2treat CD, start the file in the /dongle_firmware update directoryFirmwareUpdate.exe and follow the instructions in the program.
As long as the USB dongle flashes, the firmware update is not yet completed. Please wait until the program displays the completion of the update.

The firmware update is intended for use by end users However, if you are unsure or do not want to perform the firmware update yourself, please contact design2treat support.

3. View and save diagnostic information about the operating system and the dongle driver

If you can not solve the problems with your USB dongle, please contact design2treat support. To help you further, we need the diagnosis report from the Gemalto Sentinel Admin Control Center - Diagnostics via http://localhost:1947/_int_/diag.html. As well as a screenshot from Admin Control Center Devices via http://localhost:1947/_int_ /devices.html

The "Diagnostics" option displays drivers and operating system details with the driver installed.
ou can use the "Generate Report" button to display and save a detailed report. Please send us this report (as an HTML or PDF file) and the screenshot from the "Devices" menu item (by telephone).